- Northampton County High School
- Course Descriptions
Grade: 12 (First Semester) One Unit
Prerequisite: “B” Average in English III-Standard, “B” in English III-Honors and/or teacher recommendation.
Course Description: English IV-AP will follow this course second semester. This course is designed to expose students to a variety of internationally acclaimed authors and to provide a chronological survey of major British authors. Vocabulary, writing, and analytical reading will be a major emphasis.
Students who are approved for this course should pick up the required summer reading.
ENGLISH I – Honors
Grade: 9 One Unit
Prerequisite: “B” Average in 8th grade language arts and score Level III on the 8th grade Reading EOG Test.
Course Description: This course includes challenging and intense instruction in various styles of literature including but not limited to short story, poetry, and essay. Students will also develop strong oral and written communication skills through intensive vocabulary development and critical reading. This college preparatory course focuses on the development of complex thought processes, independence in learning, and creative expression through discussion and frequent writing assignments. English I-Honors is more rigorous than English I-Standard and will include more independent study projects. The final exam is the North Carolina English I End-of-Course test, which counts as 25%.
ENGLISH I – Standard
Grade: 9 One Unit
Prerequisite: None
Course Description: Students in English I will learn to express themselves using correct grammar in all kinds of writing including, but not limited to, short story, poetry, essays, and business letters. The course teaches critical reading and thinking skills while extending vocabulary development. While emphasis is placed on communicating for purposes of personal expression, students also engage in meaningful communication for expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary purposes. Students will explore the ways that audience, purpose, and context shape oral communication, written communication, and media and technology. The student is expected to function at grade level in communication and thinking skills. The final exam is the North Carolina English I End-of-course test, which counts as 25% of the course grade.
Grade: 10 One Unit
Prerequisite: “B” in English I-Standard, “B” in English I-Honors and/or teacher recommendation.
Course Description: This course includes challenging and intense instruction and may include more independent study/projects. English II-Honors is designed to challenge the academically advanced/gifted, highly motivated student. It concentrates on developing reading, writing, and critical thinking skills through an intensive study of a variety of selected world literature and appropriate oral and written responses. The course provides a review of grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, and usage as needed. This college preparatory course focuses on the development of complex thought processes, independence in learning, and creative expression through discussion and frequent writing assignments. Additional course description can be found under English II-Standard. Homework is a reinforcement and extension of classroom instruction. Students who are approved for this course should pick up required summer reading.
ENGLISH II – Standard
Grade: 10 One Unit
Prerequisite: English I
Course Description: Students in English II read, discuss, and write about both classical and contemporary world literature (excluding British and American authors) through which students will identify cultural significance. They will examine pieces of world literature in a cultural context to appreciate the diversity and complexity of world issues and to connect global ideas to their own experiences. Students will continue to explore language for expressive, explanatory, critical, argumentative and literary purposes, although emphasis will be placed on explanatory contexts. Writing instruction at this level focuses on mechanical correctness, fluency, and structure. In addition to literature study, students will:
¨ Examine non-literary texts related to cultural studies.
¨ Research material to use primarily in clarifying their own explanatory responses to situations and literary-based issues.
¨ Critical interpret and evaluate experiences, literature, language, and ideas.
¨ Use standard grammatical conventions and select features of language appropriate to purpose, audience, and context of the work.
Grade: 11 One Unit
Prerequisite: “B” Average in English II-Standard, “B” in English II-Honors and/or teacher recommendation.
Course Description: Students in honors English will explore United States Literature more widely and deeply, including more challenging and/or complete print or non-print texts. The Honors English course fosters intellectual curiosity by encouraging students to generate thought-provoking questions and topics to research diverse sources. Honors courses will require students to work as self-directed and reflective learners, both independently and in groups as leaders and collaborators. Higher level thinking skills will be emphasized through interdisciplinary and critical perspectives as reflected in the quality of student performance in oral language, written language and other media/technology. English III-Honors emphasizes researching and writing skills. All types of writing will be taught: literary papers, term papers, creative stories and poems, critiques, and some technical writing. Clear and logical thinking with evidence of position is stressed. A study of American literature and culture is taught; therefore, reading with inference is a necessary skill. Students must also demonstrate grammatical competence in writing assignments. Oral communication skills will be taught and practices with presentations a part of the grade. Vocabulary will be taught for the purpose of better diction of writings and for SAT preparation.
ENGLISH III – Standard
Grade: 11 One Unit
Prerequisite: English II
Course Description: Students in English III analyze United States literature as it reflects social perspective and historical significance by continuing to use language for expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary purposes. The emphasis in English III is critical analysis of texts through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and using media. In addition, the student will:
¨ Relate the experiences of others to their own.
¨ Research the diversity of American experience.
¨ Examine relationships between past and present.
¨ Build increasing sophistication in defining issues and using argument effectively.
¨ Create products and presentations that maintain standard conventions of written and oral language.
Grade: 12 (Second Semester) One Unit
Prerequisite: British/World Literature, “B” in English III-Standard, “B” in English III-Honors and/or teacher recommendation.
Course Description: English IV-AP is designed to challenge the academically advanced/gifted, highly motivated student. This college-level course provides an analytical and historical study of British and world literature in a comprehensive program of reading, writing, and critical thinking. As preparation to take the Advanced Placement Test in Literature and Composition, students read, discuss, analyze, and write about challenging works of recognized literary merit to develop honest, concise, and effective use of language and the ability to organize ideas in a clear, coherent, and persuasive way. Independent literary analysis and a total mastery of writing skills are goals of the course. Because it meets the needs of academically gifted or highly motivated advanced students who hope to bypass introductory courses in composition and literature when they enter college, students in a AP course should expect assignments and instruction paced at the college level. Students enrolled in this course are expected to take the College Board Advanced Placement Test.
Grade: 12 One Unit
Prerequisite: “B” Average in English III-Standard, “B” in English III-Honors and/or teacher recommendation.
Course Description: This course includes challenging and intense instruction and may include more independent study/projects. English IV-Honors is designed to challenge the academically advanced/gifted, highly motivated student. Students in English IV will integrate all the language arts skills gained throughout their education. The curriculum both affirms these skills and equips the students to be lifelong learners. Students continue to explore expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary contexts with a focus on British Literature. The emphasis in English IV is on argumentation by developing a position of advocacy through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and using media. Students will:
¨ Express reflections and reactions to texts.
¨ Explain principles inspired by the curriculum.
¨ Interpret and qualify texts.
¨ Research and address issues of public or personal concern.
¨ Create products and presentations that maintain standard conventions of the written and spoken language.
ENGLISH IV – Standard
Grade: 12 One Unit
Prerequisite: English III
Course Description: Students in English IV will integrate all the language arts skills gained throughout their education. The curriculum both affirms these skills and equips the students to be lifelong learners. Students continue to explore expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary contexts with a focus on British Literature. The emphasis in English IV is on argumentation by developing a position of advocacy through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and using media. Students will:
¨ Express reflections and reactions to texts.
¨ Explain principles inspired by the curriculum.
¨ Interpret and qualify texts.
¨ Research and address issues of public or personal concern.
¨ Create products and presentations that maintain standard conventions of the written and spoken language.
Grades: 10-12 One Unit
Prerequisite: English I
Course Description: Students in Journalism will learn and practice all of the roles associated with producing a newspaper such as: editor, reporter, photographer, typist, advertising representative, and layout workers. In addition, the journalism class will produce the school newspaper and yearbook by utilizing technology.
Grades: 11-12 One Unit
Prerequisite: Journalism I
Course Description: This second-level journalism course is designed to help students refine their skills in interviewing and reporting. The students will also deepen their understanding of the role of a responsible journalist.
Grades: 9-10 One Unit
Prerequisite: None
Course Description: This course is designed for students who have not mastered basic reading competencies. The primary focus of this class will be student-centered learning activities that promote successful performance at the secondary level. Their school counselor will notify students who qualify for this course of their placement. A strong emphasis will be placed upon vocabulary enrichment and proficiency.
Grades: 11-12 One Unit
Prerequisite: Journalism I
Course Description: Students will be expected to become proficient in most elements of the production of a yearbook including layout and design, copy writing, and salesmanship. In addition, students with particular talents in art and photography will be expected to add their expertise in these elements. After school responsibilities for selling yearbook ads will be expected of all staff members.
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction