Phone: 252-371-1329 (Google Number)


Degrees and Certifications:

Associate in Liberal Arts Associate in Early Childhood Education Bachelor of Science in Family & Consumer Science Master of Education in Family & Consumer Science

Ms. Brenda Moore

Mrs. Brenda Moore is the Culinary Arts and Hospitality instructor at Northampton County High School.  Originally from Louisburg, NC where she attended Louisburg High School.  She later attended Louisburg College receiving an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts.  Mrs Moore moved to Rocky Mount, NC receiving an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education, Bachelors in Family and Consumer Science from NCCU, and Masters Degree in Family and Consumer Science from Concordia University.  Mrs. Moore is currently a co-advisor of FCCLA.  She also serves as ServSafe Instructor and Proctor (Dual-Role) for all NCHS Students.